Nissan: Bloggin’ Mamas Safety Academy

Research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration indicates that Hispanic children are twice as likely to be unrestrained or improperly restrained inside a motor vehicle leading to increased rates of injury and death. Simply buckling up or using a proper child safety restraint system can curb those numbers dramatically.
TALA teamed with Nissan and Bloggin’ Mamas to create a program that leveraged the expertise of Nissan’s safety engineers and reached the audience of predominantly Hispanic mothers to effect positive change when it comes to child safety in motor vehicles. Fundamental to the programming would be sharing compelling safety research and providing car seat safety tips and installation demonstrations. The result was the “Nissan Presents the Bloggin’ Mamas Safety Academy.”
Hashtag impressions for the seven (7) in-person events and the two virtual events totaled 155 million. 80 million+ in social media value was generated. More than 150 influencer relationships were nurtured. Each in-person event was the #1 or #2 trending topic on Twitter in its respective city for the day of the event. The advertising value equivalency for the entire series was more than $600,000.